How were the moors and venetians regarded in othello

How were the moors and venetians regarded in shakespeares. Othello the tragedy of othello, the moor of venice is a tragedy by william shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1603. Just as iago transforms othellos love into hatred, the play subtly suggests that iagos hatred for othello is actually suppressed love. The venetians reflect the general opinion of the citizens during this time period. Written during shakespeares great tragic period, which also included the composition of hamlet 1600, king lear 16045, macbeth 1606, and antony and cleopatra 16067, othello is set against the backdrop of the wars between venice and. Othello questions what rules for getting married existed at the time of the play. In early 17th century england, moors were ostracized for their unusual clothing, customs and. Racism in othello racism seems to be a big concern in shakespeares tragic play, othello. More information most of the people in the play were venetians except for othello and cassio. Othello kills his wife out of jealousy by strangling her, only to. Othello research the moors, the venetians, the florentines. Iago, after telling brabantio that othello has married his daughter, calls out, even now, now, very now, an old black ram.

The most clear cut connection between shakespeare and moors is in the play othello, in which the main character, othello is called a moor. They were still catholic while england was anglican, and they allowed jews to live in the citystate. In othello, shakespeare explores factors that play an important role in the formations of ones identity race, gender, social status, family relationships, military service, etc. Research papers on othello, the moor of venice look at the history and the legend of othello and how he is stereotyped through his heritage as a moor. After time in venice, othello is appointed general in the venetian army. Othello is also concerned with how an individuals sense of identity which can break down and be manipulated by others shapes his or her actions. The turks were despicable creatures to the venetians and to europeans in general. Othello love and hate are shown to be two sides of the same emotion.

In a society where racial equality is near nonexistent, othello, a black skinned foreigner in the venetian society, is constantly reminded of his. Besides, they were black, thickly lipped and had curly hair. Nov 03, 2010 venetians are italians who move from venice italy. Just as iago transforms othello s love into hatred, the play subtly suggests that iagos hatred for othello is actually suppressed love. You are not required to answer these questions on paper. During the late 1500s and early 1600s, the venetians were a wealthy and therefore powerful people. The venetian society in othello by william shakespeare. In spain they were impoverished, discriminated against and expendable. The venetians made venice a city of high importance to military and political officials and also gave the natives a great pride in their background. The venetians in shakespeares othello are the citizens of venice, italy, where the play is set.

Venetians the venetians are the people of venice, in italy, were the play is set. In othello, shakespeare has the turks defeated by the venetians. Apr 23, 2018 othello was a moroccan, an inhabitant of north africa. Being a differenct skin color other than white meant you were non english and non christian. What was expected of a daughter during this time in venice. What relationships between men and women were considered above reproach. There are many references that bring about the issue of racism from the very beginning to. Act iv, scene i, the scene in which othello is hidden listening to cassio talk to iago about bianca, but othello thinks he is talking about desdemona. Oct 03, 2007 2 how were the moorsvenetians regarded in shakespeares day. Definition importance the venetians were the people of venice, italy. The play is a study of how jealousy can be fueled by mere circumstantial evidence and can destroy lives. The moors were known as monstrous and savage in elizabethan england. Africans in london in 1601, two years before the probable date of the writing of othello, there were so many black people in london that an edict was issued that the negars and blackamoors in the city be deported. Research papers on othello, the moor of venice othello, the moor of venice essays discuss the origins of the character othello.

The venetian society in othello by william shakespeare bartleby. They were outsiders and occupied only of the lowest positions in social standing. Ive read about the venetians and their dealings with the ottoman empire and i believe most christians in europe regarded venetians as untrustworthy people who would happily trade with muslims and heretics if it were profitable. Othello was a moroccan, an inhabitant of north africa. What were the military duties of ranked officers in veniceitaly. Indians, africans and inuit, at various times were regarded as curiosities, as freaks to be marvelled at compare the attitude of stephano to caliban. Jun 16, 2010 othello had more of an issue with his skin color than anyone else. You ask if othellos ethnicity and religion might have been a problem for venetians. The venetians were largely resposible for the defeat of the turkish fleet at lepanto in the sixteenth century. Othello was first performed by the kings men at the court of king james i on november 1, 1604.

They thought themselves superior, and often attacked and belittled the moors. The term moor came from the country named mauritania, but it generally referred to all north africans and west africans and, for some people, all muslims and nonwhites. How were the venetians treated in shakespeares day. The basic idea of the play is so well known that its easy to forget the startling boldness of shakespeares decision to take cinthios brief tale of a doomed mixedrace marriage and transform it into a heartbreaking. Sep, 2011 the venetians were largely resposible for the defeat of the turkish fleet at lepanto in the sixteenth century.

Racism, misogyny and motiveless malignity in othello the. Oct 27, 2008 the moors remained as a kind of second class citizen. Othello is the most famous literary work that focuses on the dangers of jealousy. Racism, misogyny and motiveless malignity in othello. Shakespeares first black man, aaron in titus andronicus, is close to the stereotype. The moors remained as a kind of second class citizen.

Universities such as the one cordoba spain were centers for higher learning. How were the moors venetians regarded in shakespeares day. Othello is the target of some pretty offensive racial remarks and ideas. Iago is a force that converts everything into its oppositeabove all, love becomes hate. Moors were singled out for their unusual dress, behavior and customs and were commonly referred to as devils or villains. The kick out cities and got gain that became their rewards for military services. May 17, 2007 venetians were also seen as rather heretical. On the other hand, venetians were regarded as counterparts of english society. Have the writers at paper masters explain why othellos heretage as a moor is often overlooked and. Iago othellos ensign a job also known as an ancient or standardbearer, and the villain of the play. By the time of shakesphere moors were no longer predominently of african descent. Othello had more of an issue with his skin color than anyone else. O moors were characterized as being alternately monstrous, civil or savage. Most christians in europe regarded venetians as dishonest people who would happily trade with muslims and heretics if it were profitable.

In othello, the hero succumbs to jealousy when iago convinces him that desdemona has been an unfaithful wife in the end, othello murders. His officer iago tricks him into believing that his wife desdemona is having an affair with his lieutenant, michael cassio. However, i strongly suggest you research and find the answers to the following questions in order to better understand the play. Asked in drama and acting, theater, the tragedy of. How were the moorsvenetians regarded in shakespeares day. Portia and morocco morocco, in the merchant of venice, fails to win portia through pride, but his claim that he is the same as white people under the. The military hierarchy was the military salaries were obtained by victories. The story revolves around its two central characters. They were viewed as very powerful and rich in the time period of shakespeare.

Of all shakespeares plays, it is othello which reflects most vividly the multiethnic character of the mediterranean basin in the 16th century. While referring to othello, roderigo calls him a man with thick lips roderigo what a full. The moors were highly educated, it was the arab invasion which helped to spark the renaissance in europe. Othello is a brave and competent soldier of advanced years and moorish background in the service of the venetian republic. Venice was, in the sixteenth century, a significant and powerful state with a large empire, although not as large as it had been. Othello by william shakespeare raises the issue of how rampant beliefs and attitudes in a society can cause a person to question their sense of self. This wealth was due venices canals, which made it an ideal place for trade. Othello, a moorish general in the venetian army, and his. The turks were muslim and the venetians were christian. All though way back in the early 1600s the venetians were very rich and powerful people because they used to get a lot of income threw their famous canals extracting and interacting trading goods. Act iv, scene iii, the part of the scene between emilia and desdemona, in which the two women discuss their different responses to the temptations to betray their marriage vows. Also the turks were considered barbarians and the europeans were considered civilized, which is a major theme that runs through the novel. Shakespeare was one of the first playwrights to include a moor protagonisthero.

Nov 21, 2010 all though way back in the early 1600s the venetians were very rich and powerful people because they used to get a lot of income threw their famous canals extracting and interacting trading goods. In a society where racial equality is near nonexistent, othello, a black skinned foreigner in the venetian society, is constantly reminded of his status as an outsider. Feb 10, 2009 venetians the venetians are the people of venice, in italy, were the play is set. Othello is a moorish prince living in venice, as an ambassador of the moors. The venetian army led by othello, an african moor, consists also of a florentine cassio and perhaps a spaniard as well. Being a different skin color other than white meant you were non english and non. The exemption from subjection to a moral code to which william thomas had alluded in the midsixteenth century, was noted again by james howell, an english visitor in the midseventeenth. Othello questions prezi by jessica ramirez on prezi.

The english people who watched the play naturally, would side with the venetians because they were also christians. Because the hero of the play is an outsider, a moor, we have an idea how blacks were regarded in england, in elizabethan times. Oct 22, 2007 how were the moors venetians regarded in shakespeares day. Moors were muslims and were therefore generally not liked by most christians. Instead khadafi is a great example of what the moors looked like at that time period. According to the shakespeare theater company, the venetians respected othello for his leadership but disagreed with his marriage. Long before and long after the first production of othello, venetians both men and women were commonly spoken of as being sexually licentious. Anyone who doubts that shakespeares greatest tragedies were written from an imaginative standpoint far ahead of his time need only think of othello. What relationship between men and women were considered above reproach. Well, look how much fuss and panic people make nowadays at just the suggestion that obama is a muslim.

Mark, the evangelist had made it all the way to the top of the adriatic sea where he had heard the voice of an angel of the lord say pax tibi, marce, evangelista. Mar 15, 2016 of all shakespeares plays, it is othello which reflects most vividly the multiethnic character of the mediterranean basin in the 16th century. They were the wealthy, catholic people of venice, who looked down on the dirty moors. For, as the venetians suddenly started claiming, in a previously unknown incident from the life of st.

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